CISIM 2010 brings together researchers, developers,
practitioners, and users interested in the area of Computer Information
Systems and Industrial Management. The aim of this conference is to
serve as a forum for presenting current and future work, as well as to
exchange research ideas in this field. Potential authors are invited to
submit their original previously unpublished work describing current research in any area of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management including:
- Biometrics
- Preprocessing Methods
- Feature Extraction
- Face Description and Identification
- Retinal and Iris, Tongue
- DNA and EEG Biometrics
- Multi-modal Biometric Methods
- Medical Analysis
- Border Control
- Biometric Cryptosystems
- Fingerprints
- Hand Palm and Hand Geometry
- Speech and Speaker Verification
- Human Description,Classification, Identification and Recognition
- Kansei Engineering
- Affective Systems
- Human Emotion Measuring Techniques
- Accelerating Biometrics with Graphics Processing Units.
- Computer Information Systems
- Signal Analysis
- Data compression
- Computer Graphics and Vision
- Object Classification and Recognition
- Artificial Intelligence
- Ambient Intelligence
- Pervasive Computing
- Data mining
- Web Services
- Web Intelligence
- Computer Simulation
- Computer and Network Security
- Information Assurance
- Quantitative Assessment
- Trust Management
- Intrusion Detection
- Network and Service Dependability
- Quality of Service
- Traffic Engineering
- Network Modeling and Simulation
- Network Performance Measurement
- Medical, Multimedia, and Industrial Applications
- Internet Governance
- Industrial Management
- Network Management
- Data Collection
- Privacy and Anonymity
- Business Strategy
- Product Development
- Production/Operation Management
- Secure Control System Protocols
- Productivity and Quality
- Supply Chain Management
- Organization Culture
- Management Accounting
- Disaster Management
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
- Accelerating Signal Processing with Graphics Processing Unit
Authors should submit an electronic version of their papers using the submission
system. Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions
of theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique
experience reports. The page limit for a full-length paper should
consist of six pages.
Proceedings of CISIM 2010 will
be published by IEEE Press. All submissions should be in the IEEE 8.5
two-column format. Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers will
be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness, and
will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.