for Events
HIS'10 invites proposals for special sessions and focused Workshops to
be held in conjunction with the conference.
sessions and Workshops provide organizers and participants with an
opportunity to concentrate on focused topics in the areas related to
the congress. Both the emerging research areas as well as the
application issues can be targeted.
Organizers are encouraged to
nominate reviewers of papers to the Program Committee on proposing
special sessions. Once a special session/workshop proposal is approved
it will be immediately announced on the website. Along with the
publicity chairs and other members of the HIS'10 organization, session
organizers are expected to help promoting the special sessions by their
own means.
All papers submitted through the Submission
system are subjected to reviewing by the HIS 2010 Program Committee.
Organizers, after studying reviewers reports of the papers,
make recommendations to the Program Committee on acceptance. On
receiving the finalized list of accepted papers from the Program
Committee, the conference organizers are responsible for liaising with
the authors on the submission of final papers. A minimum of 5 papers is
required for each special session and 10 papers for a Workshop. If a
session has too few papers, accepted papers will be allocated to
regular sessions.
All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by
IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore.
session/Workshop proposals should contain the necessary information for
the Special Session/Worshop Chairs and reviewers from the Program
Committee to judge the importance, quality and community interest in
the proposed topic. Special session proposals should address
following issues:
Topic of interest: Provide a full
description of the proposed special session. What will the special
session be about? Why should we believe this is an interesting and
significant topic?
Organizer's biography: Please include a short academic background of
the session organizer (s).
number of papers and publicity: Special sessions for HIS'09 should
consist of at least 5 papers (Workshop should consist of a minimum of
10 papers) and organizers should indicate in their proposal the
expected number of papers. Organizers are also expected to help
promoting the special sessions by their own means and should describe
how this will be done.
Submission: It is recommended to submit
the special session proposals as an email attachment to the Special Session Chairs with a copy to HIS2010.special.session@gmail.com and his10.system@gmail.com
Event Chairs Teresa B. Ludemir and Marcilio C. P. de Souto Email: tbl@cin.ufpe.br, marcilio.souto@gmail.com
Extended deadline for special session proposals: April 02, 2010
Acceptance of special sessions/Workshop proposals: April 15, 2010
Proposals will be notified as soon as possible and posted on the HIS 2010 web site.
Accepted Special Sessions: