2010 Venue: Georgia
Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta Preliminary Technical Programme
Information assurance and security has become an important research
issue in the networked and distributed information sharing
environments. Finding effective ways to protect information systems,
networks and sensitive data within the critical information
infrastructure is challenging even with the most advanced technology
and trained professionals.
The International Conference on Information Assurance and Security
(IAS) aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, developers,
and policy makers involved in multiple disciplines of information
security and assurance to exchange ideas and to learn the latest
development in this important field.
IAS'10 builds on the success of last year's. IAS'09 was held in Xi'ian China and attracted participants from
several countries.
for Regular Session Papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit their full-length papers
electronically through the conference website. Each paper should be
concise, but contain sufficient detail and references to allow critical
review. Each paper will be judged by at least three referees.
for Special Sessions:
The goal of Special Sessions (SS) is to provide a focused discussion of
new or innovative topics. SS organizer(s) must collect at least five
papers. SS papers will be reviewed with the same criteria as Regular
Session papers..
Saad, Ajith Abraham and Dharma Agrawal
