
IAS 2013 Registration rates for Authors from Tunisia
Regular Authors: 505 TND
Regular Authors (IEEE / MIR Labs members): 465 TND
Student Registration: 435 TND

Note: All registration fees includes conference proceedings published by IEEE, conference bag, breakfasts and lunches and conference banquet.

A 2 nights accommodation in double room in Laico hotel will be offered for authors from Tunisia. If you need single room or you have accompanying persons or you would like to share the room with another registered author, please send a special request by email to <>.

Payment could be by transfer to:
- Bank account name: Sust-Innovation @ Tunisia
- RIB: 0830 4000 3520 0638 6116
- Bank: BIAT

or by order form (bon de commande) to (please download this file to prepare your order form):
- Association of Sustainable Innovation in Tunisia
- M.F.: 1229874 R/N/N/000

