Journal of Information Assurance and Security
Volume 4, Issue 6

Special Issue on Information Assurance and Data Security (Editorial)

Guest Editor: Massimiliano Rak, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Second University of Naples, Italy




Page no.

Bidirectional Secret Communication by Quantum Collisions


 Fabio Antonio Bovino




A Watermarking Technique based on Visual Cryptography  (short paper)


   B. Surekha, G.N. Swamy, K. Srinivasa Rao and A. Ravi Kumar






Adapting and accelerating the Stream Cipher Algorithm "RC4" using "Ultra Gridsec" and "HIMAN" and use it to secure "HIMAN" Data


  Hisham A. Kholidy and  Khaled S. Alghathbar






Enhancing File Data Security in Linux Operating System by Integrating Secure File System


  Rajesh Kumar Pal and Indranil Sengupta






Challenges for Security Typed Web Scripting Languages Design


  Doaa Hassan, Sherif El- Kassas and Ibrahim Ziedan




Security Issues in Drinking Water Distribution Networks


 Demetrios G. Eliades, Marios M. Polycarpou and Bambos Charalambous




Protection of Real and Artwork Human Objects based on a Chaotic Moments Modulation Method


 Klimis Ntalianis, Paraskevi Tzouveli, Stefanos Kollias and Athanasios Drigas




Security Requirements in Judicial Information Systems: Experience from a European Project for Judicial Cross-Border Collaboration


  George Eleftherakis, Konstantinos Rousis, Mauro Cislaghi, Roberto Mazzilli and    Sara Ferri






Secure Communication for Hierarchical Groups


  Sigurd Eskeland and Vladimir Oleshchuk






Time Domain Performances Analysis of Underwater Magnetic SIMAN Systems for Port Protection


  Osvaldo Faggioni, Maurizio Soldani, Davide Leoncini, Amleto Gabellone and Paolo   V. Maggiani








The Pushdown Attack and Attacking the Substitution Cipher Chaining mode (SCC)


  Mohamed Abo El-Fotouh and Klaus Diepold






Usability Evaluation of Identity Management Schemes in Three Virtual Organization Architectures


  Ali E. Abdallah, Ali N. Haidar




Regular Papers




Loss of Self-Similarity Detection Using Exact and Asymptotic Self-Similarity Models


  Mohd Fo’ad Rohani, Mohd Aizaini Maarof, Ali Selamat and Houssain Kettani




FlexiSec: A Configurable Link Layer Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks


  Devesh Jinwala, Dhiren Patel and Kankar Dasgupta




Statistical anomaly detection on real e-mail traffic


  Maurizio Aiello, Davide Chiarella and Gianluca Papaleo




Protecting Digital Copyright in the Internet


  Franco Frattolillo and Federica Landolfi




A JPEG-Compliant Method for Image Authentication and Recovery


 Chiang-Lung Liu




A model with applications for data survivability in Critical Infrastructures


 MicheleAlbano, StefanoChessa and Roberto Di Pietro




Automatic Verification of Firewall Configurations with respect to Security Policy Requirements


 Soutaro Matsumoto and Adel Bouhoula




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