Call for Special Tracks


Special Sessions
SS1: Bio-inspired techniques for Post Covid-19 Pandemic for industry 5.0

Prof. Priti Srinivas Sajja, P G Department of Computer Science and Technology, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India
Dr. Shankru Guggari, Member, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA, Data Scientist, Query data systems Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru

SS2: Recent Advances on Bioinspired Computation
Dr. Rajashree Shettar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Mysuru Road, Bengaluru-560059, Karnataka, INDIA
Dr. Poonam Ghuli, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Mysuru Road, Bengaluru-560059, Karnataka, INDIA
Dr. Shankru Guggari, Member, Machine Intelligence Research Labs, USA

SS3: Emerging Decision Making Trends and Applications (EDMTA21)
Ana Madureira - Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) - Institute of Engineering of Porto – Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/P.PORTO)
André Santos - Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) - Institute of Engineering of Porto – Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP/P.PORTO)
Bruno Cunha - Polytechnic of Porto (P.PORTO)
Ivo Pereira - Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center (ISRC) - Fernando Pessoa University
Leonilde Varela – Production and Systems Department, Minho University