Paper Submission
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Paper Submission FAQ
Question: What papers can be submitted? Answer: NaBIC2010 invites authors to swordubmit their original and unpublished work that demonstrates current research in all areas of Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing. Submitted papers should be original and contain contributions of theoretical, experimental or application nature, or be unique experience reports. Papers that are out of the conference scope, have been submitted to another conference or journal before or at the same time, or contain any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews. All co-authors of a paper must have a relevant contribution to the scientific content of the paper.
Answer: All submitted papers must be formatted according to IEEE 8.5 two-column format (Download for:
Latex). Papers should contain up to 5 keywords. Papers formatted in a different publisher’s format, submission not accompanied by a pdf file (i.e. “abstract only” submissions) as well as papers not written in English language will not be accepted.
Answer: Papers must be submitted within the stipulated time, and electronic submission in PDF format is required. In case of acceptance of the paper later on, the page limit for a full-length paper (camera ready) will be 6 pages (with a possibility to purchase 2 extra pages), but we welcome papers (for review purposes) not exceeding 8 pages. Papers less than 5 pages will not be reviewed and may be rejected outright!
Answer: You will have to create an account with EDAS. Go to and use the link “create a new account.” If you have ever been PC member of a conference hosted by EDAS, or have ever submitted a paper to such a conference, you will not need to create a new account. The same webpage also offers an option for the recovery of a forgotten password. Once an account is created, you can call and select the tab “Papers” on top of the page, then “Submit.” The procedure will have two steps. For the first step, you provide title of the paper, your author name and abstract, and submit. After receiving the confirmation email, you can then go to the same page and upload the PDF file of your submission.
Answer: NaBIC2010 is focussing on highest quality contributions, and the acceptance rate will be below 50 percent. All papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the IPC or their delegates, and authors will receive special comments and advise from the referees. Note that author comments are not required, thus the number of reviews might appear lower from the number of comments, and in a few extreme cases, a paper might also receive only two reviews.
Answer: No, you can’t. If your paper was accepted by the conference, the copyright of your paper must be transferred to IEEE. Multiple submission will lead to rejection of the paper for all conferences or journals, to which the same paper was submitted.
Answer: As part of the EDAS system functionality, submitted papers will receive a similarity score. This score measures the content overlap to papers available on-line, on a sentence by sentence base. Also, prohibited co-authors flagged by IEEE will be indicated. The pdf files will be technically checked for conformity with IEEE Explore guidelines (esp. embedding of all fonts, no hyperlinks in the document, match of title in pdf with paper title).
Question: What’s the discount policy? Answer: Authors with two and more accepted papers, authors being members of some sponsoring organizations, and student authors will get a discount.
Answer: A student paper can have maximally two authors, one author being the student, and one author being in a supervising role for the presented work.
Answer: All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore. Selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in special issues of several international journals. The authors of the accepted papers will be allowed to make a correction in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewers and submit final camera-ready papers within the stipulated deadline. The conference proceedings will be distributed amongst the participants during the conference. Accepted papers must be registered and presented by author(s) personally to be published in the conference proceedings. Please note that all no-show papers (without informing the PC Chairs in advance) may be removed from IEEE Xplore.
Answer: Yes, you are welcome to attend the conference. For the sake of convenience, you’d better pay the registration fee in advance.
Answer: Yes, NaBIC2010 also welcomes proposals for special sessions and events, see the corresponding page for detailed information.