C A L L F O R W O R K S H O P S |
SoCPaR 2010 Program Committee invites proposals for the technical
workshop program, to be held one day prior to the main conference.
SoCPaR 2010 workshops will provide a casual setting where participants
will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in an
atmosphere that fosters the practical session and active exchange of
ideas. Hands-on workshops that focus on state-of-art topics or on
applications related to SoCPaR 2010 conference theme are highly
encouraged. The workshop should plan for ample time to foster open
discussions. Financial assistance for the workshop instructor will be
limited to one participation fee waiver for the conference only.
Workshops can be varying in length, but will at most last a full day.
Workshop attendees are not required to register for the main SoCPaR
2010 conference, but are encouraged to do so.
Submission Guidelines
intended workshops should fall within the scope of SoCPaR 2010. The
proposal of workshop should be made to the workshop chairs at
socpar10.system@gmail.com. The submission of proposals should be in
pdf-format stated clearly with the following information:
- Workshop Title
- Duration of the Workshop
- A Technical Description of the Workshop Topic area
- A Brief Statement of the Relevance of the proposed Workshop to SoCPaR 2010
- Composition of the Organizing Committee (if applicable)
- Composition of the Program Com mittee (if applicable)
proposals will be evaluated by the Workshop Chair of SoCPaR 2010. The
acceptance of the proposed workshops will be published in SoCPaR 2010
official web site.
Important Dates
Proposal submission: April 30, 2010
Acceptance notification: May 15 , 2010
Accepted Workshop
Title |
Website |
Organizers |
Digital Libraries
Carlo Meghini
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie
Via G. Moruzzi, 1
I-56124 Pisa (PI), Italy
Email : carlo.meghini@isti.cnr.it
Nicolas Spyratos
LRI - Bât. 490
Université de Paris-Sud
91405 Orsay Cedex
Email : spyratos@lri.fr
Intelligent Image Processing and Artificial Vision - IIPAV
Gerald Schaefer
Department of Computer Science
University, Leicestershire,
Email : Gerald.Schaefer@ieee.org
URL: http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~cogs/
Sergio Damas
European Centre for Soft Computing,
Mieres, Spain
Email : sergio.damas@softcomputing.es
URL: http://www.softcomputing.es
Angel Sánchez
Department of Computer Sciences,
University Rey Juan Carlos,
Madrid, Spain
Email : angel.sanchez@urjc.es
URL: http://www.etsii.urjc.es/
Jose Santamaría
Department of Computer Sciences,
University of Jaen,
Jaen, Spain
Email : jslopez@ujaen.es
URL: http://wwwdi.ujaen.es |