Ronald R. Yager || Michele Sebag || Rudolf Kruse ||
Ronald R. Yager (Machine Intelligence Institute - Iona College, US)

Ronald R. Yager has worked in the area of machine intelligence for over twenty-five years. He has published over 500 papers and fifteen books. He was the recipient of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Pioneer award in Fuzzy Systems. Dr. Yager is a fellow of the IEEE, the New York Academy of Sciences and the Fuzzy Systems Association. He was given a lifetime achievement award by the Polish Academy of Sciences for his contributions. He served at the National Science Foundation as program director in the Information Sciences program. He was a NASA/Stanford visiting fellow and a research associate at the University of California, Berkeley. He has been a lecturer at NATO Advanced Study Institutes. He has been a distinguished honorary professor at the Aalborg University Esbjerg Denmark. He is an affiliated distinguished researcher at the European Centre for Soft Computing. He received his undergraduate degree from the City College of New York and his Ph. D. from the Polytechnic University of New York. Currently, he is Director of the Machine Intelligence Institute and Professor of Information Systems at Iona College. He is editor and chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems. He serves on the editorial board of numerous technology journals including the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, the Journal of Approximate Reasoning and the Journal of Group Decision Making and Negotiations. He has made fundamental contributions in decision making under uncertainty and the fusion of information. Much of his work has been transitioned into commercial applications.