Chantilly Castle || Paris City Tour By Night || Wine Tasting Tour
Visit of Chantilly Castle
To open the gala, SOCPAR 2010 local arrangement committee invite you to a trip to the Chantilly Castle
“Why have I been taken to Versailles seven times and never here?”
Richard Nixon
The Château de Chantilly stands at the heart of a vast domain covering 7 800 hectares, located in one of the largest forests near Paris, Le Massif de Trois Forêts (Chantilly, Halatte and Ermonville forests).
The Château and estate have been built up by the owners of Chantilly since the Middle Ages.
The Château de Chantilly has one of the finest museums of historical paintings in France (after the Louvre in Paris) and a library well stocked with rare and precious books and manuscripts.
- 1 000 paintings
- 2 500 drawings
- 2 500 engravings
- 30 000 books, including 12 000 old prints
- 1500 manuscripts
The French Garden of Le Nôtre (17th century): flower borders and water jets, the Vertugadin, the Grand Canal and its waterfall.
The Petit Parc (early 18th century):
The Jeu de l'Oie, the suites,
The house and the Etang de Sylvie
The Anglo-Chinese garden (late 18th century):
The small canals, the houses of Le Hameau and a restaurant
The English Garden (early 19th century):
L'Ile d'Amour, the Temple de Vénus, the Lac des Cygnes and the Beauvais fountains.

