Call for Workshop & Tutorial
The WICT 2014 Program Committee invites proposals for the technical workshop/tutorial program. WICT 2014 workshops will provide a casual setting where participants will have the opportunity to discuss specific technical topics in an atmosphere that fosters the practical session and active exchange of ideas. Hands-on workshops that focus on state-of-art topics or on applications related to WICT 2014 conference theme are highly encouraged. The workshop/tutorial should plan for ample time to foster open discussions. Financial assistance for the workshop/tutorial instructor will be limited to one participation fee waiver for the conference only. Workshops/tutorials can be varying in length from 2 to 3 hours.
Submission Guidelines
The intended workshops/tutorial should fall within the scope of WICT 2014. The proposal should be made to the Workshop/Tutorial Chair at Saurav Karmakar The submission of proposals should be in pdf-format stated clearly with the following information:
- Workshops/tutorial Title
- Duration of the workshops/tutorial
- A Technical Description of the workshops/tutorial Topic area
- A Brief Statement of the Relevance of the proposed workshops/tutorial to WICT 2014
- Composition of the Organizing Committee (if applicable)
- Composition of the Program Committee (if applicable)
Important Dates
Proposal submission: July 31, 2014
Acceptance notification: August 15 , 2014